Premium and Expert Talent How we vet our Talent

At Publicistden, we pride ourselves on having an engaged community of the best communications and marketing professionals in the industry. We constantly strive to find thought-leaders both in industries and by skill-sets and add talent daily to our growing network.

Publicistden Vetting Process

Create Profile Illustration

#1 Talent Acquisition

Whether through community referrals, new Talent sign ups, or our own focused outreach, we begin the vetting process by identifying key skills and past experiences and ask Talent for their resumes and other past works.

Illustrations showing Talent profile cards and selection

#2 Talent Review

From here the Publicistden Talent Team will vet talent based on our judging criteria, which includes looking at past experience and professional history. We also vet our community based on the geographies in which we are live. Talent is either approved or waitlisted and Publicistden is constantly re-evaluating its waitlist.

#3 Talent Profiles and Availability

Vetted Talent are able to build and complete their rich data-profiles that and add skills, industries, spoken languages, rates, locations and much more. Talent also maintain a portfolio containing past work experiences complete with brand, agency, and publishers tags. We periodically checks in with Talent via a variety of methods to assess their current availability for projects and fractional roles.

#4 Talent Matching

Once you've completed and published a project or fractional role post, Publicistden will automatically match you with Talent based upon your needs. Our Customer Success team can also help you guide through your unique hiring needs with custom matches and additional services.


Publicistden enterprise offering is a custom solution for large brands and agencies needing help scaling and optimizing how your organization does project-based work.

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